· 5 min read

Embrace 3 Skills for Hybrid Meetings on Conference Cameras

An image of a closed conference room for hybrid meetings using Coolpo AI Huddle Pana

As hybrid work emerges, one thing has also become popular and that is the creation of hybrid meetings on conference cameras. And as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape of work, one thing is certain: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in shaping our future. In this era of digital transformation, understanding how to harness the power of AI in conducting hybrid meetings is crucial for individuals seeking to thrive professionally.

Pascal Bornet, an esteemed AI innovation expert, has identified three essential skills that will pave the way to success in the future of work. Individuals who learn these skills will be able to position themselves as valuable assets in a world dominated by artificial intelligence and automation.

In this article, we will look at the three essential skills Pascal Bornet recommends for success in the future of work, as well as how they can be applied in hybrid meetings.

3 Essential Skills for a Successful Future

Since the mainstreaming of AI, many organizations have maximized its use, making it more beneficial for them. From data analysis to marketing to decision-making, AI has slowly conquered the workplace. People are on the verge of panic, unsure what to do as the fear of being replaced by AI grows.

Here are the three essential skills one must master:

1. Critical Thinking for Adaptability and Continuous Learning

The future of work demands individuals who possess critical thinking, adaptability, and a growth mindset. With AI transforming various aspects of business operations, the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies, tools, and methodologies is crucial. One of which is the use of AI for generating content.

Pascal Bornet stresses the significance of continuous learning to keep up with AI-driven innovation. Professionals should be proactive in expanding their knowledge and honing new skills that align with emerging technologies. Still, if we maximize the use of AI in generating content, it doesn’t ensure that the content is right.

This is where critical thinking comes in. AI may have the power of “What” in helping us create activities (e.g., hybrid meetings) that can foster adaptability and learning, but humans hold the power of “Reliability”. Will it work? Is this correct? These are some of the things that we can ask to determine its usefulness. AI is more of a theoretical work, and by empowering critical thinking, you can apply it practically and still up your game despite the rampant use of AI.

2. Relationship Building: Key to Achieving Digital Literacy and Data Fluency

As AI becomes more integrated into workplaces, digital literacy and data fluency are becoming essential skills for professionals. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental concepts of AI and its applications as well as being comfortable with data-driven decision-making processes. This includes acquiring knowledge about data analysis, data visualization, and interpreting AI-generated insights. By leveraging these skills, professionals can effectively collaborate with AI systems, make informed decisions, and unlock new opportunities for innovation.

But of course, the AI system is just there to help you find out the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities the data can provide. It does not help you with how to implement it, as AI is emotionless. It will not allow us to connect with others and communicate. With this, building relationships through hybrid meetings or other means can help humanize the decision one organization should undertake. Decisions that involve human factors should always be considered and not automated. Empathy, collaboration, and effective communication will play a critical role in building meaningful connections with colleagues, clients, and customers. These human-centric skills are vital for managing teams and providing exceptional decision-making processes.

Learn how to build unique relationships during hybrid work>> 

3. Creativity is what you need

In the future of work, the significance of cultivating creativity and emotional intelligence will become even more crucial, especially in the context of hybrid meetings. While AI technologies excel at automating repetitive tasks, they often struggle with the human aspects of communication and collaboration. This is where hybrid meetings come into play, as they provide a platform for leveraging both AI capabilities and human creativity. In an AI-driven environment, the ability to generate innovative ideas and find novel solutions will be highly valued. It's not just about what our minds can accomplish, but also about the unique contributions our personalities bring to the table. In a world where automated content can be easily generated, hybrid meetings offer a touch of human emotion and creativity, which becomes the key to enhancing and improving them.

See the article on how to become a transformational leader in hybrid work>> 

Using these 3 Skills for Hybrid Meeting Success

As AI continually dominates, the use of these skills can help you navigate the uncertain world of the work landscape. One benefit is its use during hybrid meetings. Many organizations have leveraged the use of AI in their devices. One of which is Coolpo, which is dedicated to creating an innovative conference camera to solve your hybrid meeting dilemma.

Coolpo has produced their Coolpo AI Huddle Pana, Mini, and Mini Lite, which are equipped with the latest technology that you can pair with these 3 skills to become more successful.

Below are the features of the camera you’ll surely want:

Coolpo AI Huddle Pana

  • 360-degree horizontal FOV
  • 1080p video quality
  • MeetingFlex®Technology – Speaker and Gesture Tracker
  • 4 smart microphones
  • 15 ft. sound pick-up range
  • 360-degree audio output

Coolpo AI Huddle Mini

  • MeetingFlex®Technology – Gesture Recognition
  • 110-degree horizontal FOV
  • 4K video resolution
  • 6 mic arrays
  • 21 ft. pick-up range
  • Noise and echo cancellation Feature

Coolpo AI Huddle Mini Lite

  • MeetingFlex®Technology - Group and Individual Mode
  • 120–degree horizontal FOV
  • 4K Camera Sensor
  • Electret mic
  • 6 m sound pick-up range


Pascal Bornet has emphasized the importance of embracing three essential skills for success in the future of work, particularly in the context of hybrid meetings. These skills are critical thinking for adaptability and continuous learning, relationship building for digital literacy and data fluency, and creativity.

When applied to hybrid meetings, these three essential skills help individuals navigate the ever-evolving world of work. By leveraging critical thinking, professionals can ensure the accuracy and practicality of AI-generated content. Building relationships enables effective collaboration with AI systems and emphasizes the importance of human factors in decision-making processes. Finally, creativity allows individuals to bring a human touch, innovative ideas, and unique perspectives to enhance the quality of meetings.

To support these skills, high-tech cameras can be used. Coolpo offers a range of AI-powered cameras specifically designed for hybrid meetings. These cameras, such as the Coolpo AI Huddle Pana, Mini, and Mini Lite, provide advanced features such as 360-degree video and audio capabilities, meeting tracking technology, high-resolution video, noise cancellation, and more. By leveraging these conference cameras alongside the three essential skills, individuals can enhance their success in hybrid meetings and adapt to the changing landscape of work.

Overall, embracing critical thinking, relationship building, and creativity while leveraging AI technologies and tools can position individuals as valuable assets in the future of work, particularly in the context of hybrid meetings.

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