Tips and best practices conference camera and hybrid work

The trend of companies transitioning to hybrid work setups is quickly growing. In the hybrid work setup, employees may be working remotely, in an office, or a combination of both -- making video conferencing an essential tool for communication and collaboration. 

Read our article 94 percent of IT-related Organizations have Implemented Hybrid Work Structures

Having a video conference camera that provides a 360-degree view of a room is key for successful collaboration and communication in a hybrid work environment such as Coolpo AI Huddle Pana.

In this blog post, we'll explore the tips and best practices for integrating a 360 conference camera into a hybrid work environment. We'll also discuss the advantages of using a 360 conference camera in a hybrid work setup and provide examples of successful integration.

Tips for Integrating a 360 Conference Camera into a Hybrid Work Environment

Integrating a 360 conference camera into a hybrid work environment can be challenging, especially if the camera is new to the workplace. 

Here are some tips to consider when integrating a 360 conference camera:

  • Before purchasing a 360 conference camera, it's important to determine the specific needs of the workplace. 

Factors to consider include the size of the room, the number of people that will be using the camera, and the type of activities that will be taking place. This will help ensure that the right camera is chosen for the job.

  • When installing the camera, pay attention to the positioning. 

The camera should be placed in the center of the room so that the image captured is balanced and clear. Additionally, the camera should be placed at eye level in order to capture the best image.

  • It's important to test the camera before it's used for any official meetings or conferences. 

This will help ensure that the camera is working properly and that all users are familiar with the technology. It's also a good idea to have a dedicated technician or IT specialist available to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

  • Make sure to familiarize yourself with the camera's features, such as the ability to zoom in and out, the ability to switch between speakers, and the ability to mute the audio. 

These features will help ensure the conference call runs smoothly.

  • Lastly, it's important to make sure that the camera is secure. 

Cybersecurity is critical, and the camera should be well-protected from any potential threats.

Best Practices for Using a 360 Conference Camera During Hybrid Work

Once the camera has been successfully integrated into the hybrid work environment, it's important to practice good etiquette when using it during meetings or conferences. 

Here are some best practices to consider when using a 360 conference camera:

  • Make sure to dress appropriately for meetings. It's best to dress professionally, as the camera is capturing the entire room.
  • Speak clearly and avoid using jargon. This will ensure that everyone in the room can understand what is being said. 

Additionally, it's important to stay on topic and avoid tangents to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

  • Turn off any background noise. 

This will help ensure that the audio is clear and that no one is distracted by any outside noises.

  • Make sure the camera is positioned correctly. 

The camera should be positioned in the center of the room and at eye level. This will help ensure that everyone in the room can be seen and heard clearly.

  • Lastly, it's important to practice active listening. 

Taking notes, nodding, and other visual cues can help ensure that everyone in the room is actively engaged and paying attention.

Advantages of Using a 360 Conference Camera in Hybrid Work Setup

Using a 360 conference camera in a hybrid work setup comes with many advantages. Here are some of the benefits of using a 360 conference camera:

  • Increased collaboration 

A 360 conference camera can provide a more immersive experience for remote participants, allowing them to feel like they are in the same room as everyone else. 

  • Increased engagement 

With a 360-degree view of the room, participants can interact with each other more naturally and feel more connected. 

  • Improved productivity

 A 360 conference camera can help to reduce distractions and maximize productivity. 

  • Reduced travel costs

By eliminating the need for travel, businesses can save money on hotel and transportation costs.

  • Improved communication 

A 360 conference camera can help to bridge the gap between remote participants, making communication more effective.

  • Increased efficiency

With its wide-angle view, a 360 conference camera can capture more of a conference room, allowing for more efficient meetings.

  • Enhanced data security

By keeping meetings and conversations in the same room, businesses can better protect data.

  • Increased flexibility

With its wide-angle view and ability to capture different angles, a 360 conference camera can be used in a variety of settings and scenarios.

Successful Companies That Integrate 360 Conference Cameras in a Hybrid Work Environment

There are many companies that have successfully integrated a 360 conference camera into their hybrid work environment. Here are some examples of companies that have done so:

Microsoft Teams is a popular video conferencing platform that allows users to easily connect and collaborate with one another. 

Teams are equipped with a 360 conference camera that provides a wide-angle view of the room, allowing all participants to be seen and heard clearly.

Zoom is another popular video conferencing platform that has integrated a 360 conference camera. The camera provides a wide-angle view of the room, allowing all participants to be seen and heard clearly. 

Additionally, the camera is equipped with features such as zooming and switching between speakers, making the conference call run more smoothly.

Read our article Zoom vs Teams: A Comprehensive Comparison of Features and Support for VR

Google Meet is a platform that allows users to easily connect and collaborate with one another. The platform is equipped with a 360 conference camera that provides a wide-angle view of the room, allowing all participants to be seen and heard clearly. 

Additionally, the camera is compatible with a variety of devices and platforms, making it easy to use for most people.

Coolpo AI Huddle Pana - The Best 360 Conference Camera For You

The Coolpo AI Huddle Pana, is a 360-degree conference camera that you can use as your microphone, camera, and speaker.

It is a Plug-and-Play conference camera for teams that is easy to use:

  • Plug it directly into your laptop or computer.
  • If you want to update and configure its settings, you can download our Coolpo Tools:

Our Pana is always safe to use as it does not need to be connected through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi - which causes wireless vulnerabilities.

Also, the Pana has Dual Positioning Technology. It intelligently tracks the active meeting participants through voices and gestures. With this, you will not have a hard time finding out who is speaking during your remote meeting.

Want to know more about our Pana? Discover and Purchase it at our store


Integrating a 360 conference camera into a hybrid work environment can be challenging, but it is essential for successful collaboration and communication. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this blog post, you can make sure that the camera is successfully integrated and used effectively. 

Video conferencing is essential for communication and collaboration in a hybrid work environment, and a 360 conference camera is key for successful collaboration and communication. 


So? Own our 360 conference camera and book a demo with us now.