What are the types of Cyber Security; How are Security Risks Avoided Using a Video Conference Camera?

Video conferencing using an all-in-one video conference camera is a new way to conduct all forms of business. However, some video conference cameras have wireless vulnerabilities, especially those Wi-Fi and Bluetooth dependents. 

Yet, there is also Plug-and-Play Video Conference Camera such as Coolpo AI Huddle Series (the Pana and the Mini) and Mini Lite that is USB-only and therefore has no wireless vulnerabilities.

Related: Why Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are Data Security Risks in Video Conferencing 2022 

This blog will tell you the 6 types of cyber security and what they mean for you and your business. From technical safeguards to administrative controls, read on to learn more about how you can protect your data from those who would do it harm.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is a secure network, device, program, or data is one that is protected from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Information technology security is another term for cyber security.

Get to Know More about our All-In-One Video Conference Camera. Visit our website here

6 Types of Cyber Security

We all know that feeling of unease when we hand over our credit card to make a purchase or enter our password into a website. We are constantly inundated with news stories about cyber-attacks and data breaches. So it’s no wonder that cyber security is top of mind for many people.

Here is the list of 6 Cyber Security for you:

  1. Application security

There are many types of cyber security, but some of the most common are application security, data security, and network security. 

Application security refers to the measures taken to secure applications from attacks. This can include things like firewalls and intrusion detection systems. 

Data security is concerned with protecting data from unauthorized access or modification. This can be done through encryption or by restricting access to certain users. Network security focuses on protecting networked systems from attack. This can involve things like routers and switches, as well as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

  1. Information security

This is the protection of digital information from unauthorized access or theft. It includes measures to protect data stored on computers and other devices, as well as data transmitted over networks.

  1. Infrastructure security

When it comes to cyber security, there are several different types of attacks that can occur. Here are four of the most common:

  • Infrastructure security: This type of attack targets a company’s network or servers to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt operations.
  • Application security: This type of attack exploits vulnerabilities in software applications to gain access to data or system resources.
  • Endpoint Security: This type of attack occurs when an attacker gains access to a user’s device, such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, to steal data or install malicious software.
  • Cloud security: This type of attack focuses on compromising data that is stored in the cloud.
  1. End-user security

This is the protection of end users from being victimized by cybercriminals. It includes measures to educate users about cybersecurity threats and how to protect themselves, as well as tools and technologies to prevent or detect malicious activity.

End-user security is critical to the success of any cyber security strategy. By educating employees on the risks and potential consequences of their actions, organizations can help reduce the likelihood of a successful attack. There are a variety of ways to educate employees, including:

  • Providing regular training on cyber security risks and best practices
  • Creating awareness campaigns that focus on specific risks (e.g., phishing)
  • Incorporating cyber security into existing employee onboarding and safety programs
  • Sharing information about recent attacks and lessons learned with the entire organization

Organizations should also consider implementing technical controls to help prevent end users from accidentally or intentionally exposing sensitive data. 

For example, data loss prevention software can block the transfer of sensitive files outside of the organization. Additionally, user activity monitoring can detect suspicious behavior and raise alarms accordingly.

  1. Network security 

This is the protection of computer networks from unauthorized access or attacks. It includes measures to secure network infrastructure, such as routers and servers, as well as the data transmitted over the network.

USB-only cameras like these are not subject to risks on network security. Moreover, they have AI featues that will add depth to your online meetings:

  • They can turn any room into an immersive meeting experience
  • Risk-Free
  • Next-Gen, AI-powered
  • Everyone can be seen
  • Ultra Clear
  • Platinum Group Views
  • World's first gesture-activated speaker tracking
Check out the wonderful features of these secure AI-integrated devices from Coolpo and enjoy up to 20 percent discount.
  1. Operational security

Operational security is the practice of protecting your organization’s data and systems from unauthorized access or intrusion. It includes measures taken to secure your network, computers, and data from attack, unauthorized access, or theft.

Operational security is important for any organization that relies on computers and networks to conduct business. By taking steps to secure your systems, you can protect your data and reduce the risk of downtime due to a security breach.

There are many types of operational security measures that you can take to protect your data and systems. Some common operational security measures include:

  • Firewalls: A firewall is a hardware or software device that helps protect your network from unauthorized access.
  • Data Encryption: Data encryption is a process of encoding data so that it can only be accessed by authorized users.
  • Access Control: Access control is a set of procedures and technologies that restrict access to computer networks and systems.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: Intrusion detection and prevention systems are designed to detect and prevent attempts to gain unauthorized access to computer networks and systems.

What is Business Continuity Planning?

Business Continuity Planning is a critical part of any organization's cyber security strategy. By definition, business continuity planning is the process of creating a plan to ensure that business operations can continue in the event of an unexpected interruption. This interruption could be caused by a natural disaster, a power outage, a system failure, or even a cyber-attack.

The goal of business continuity planning is to minimize the disruption to your business and to protect your critical data and systems. A well-crafted continuity plan will help you to quickly and efficiently recover from an interruption, minimizing its impact on your customers, employees, and bottom line.


There are four key components to a successful business continuity plan:

  1. Risk assessment: The first step in developing a continuity plan is to assess the risks that could potentially disrupt your business operations. This includes identifying both internal and external risks. Internal risks are those that originate within your organization, such as power outages or IT system failures. External risks come from outside sources, such as natural disasters or cyber-attacks.
  2. Business impact analysis: Once you have identified the potential risks to your business, you need to determine the impact that each one would have on your operations. This includes assessing the financial impact, as well as the impact on things like customer service, employee productivity, and supply chain disruptions.
  3. Development of contingency plans: Once you know what could go wrong and the impact it would have on your business, you can start developing plans

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