6 Limitations Why Some 360 Conference Cameras Don't Work 2023

Even when technological advancements are increasingly dominating our space and it makes your life and work easier, you can still experience limitations in using those devices, if you don't choose the right one for you!

In the context of video conferencing and hybrid working, all-in-one video conferencing equipment is needed like a 360 conference camera. However, sometimes, it restricts you to have a reliable and innovative video conferencing experience with your team members remotely.

Related: How to Use a 360 Conference Camera for Online Meetings

In this blog, you will know what are the reasons why 360 conference cameras don’t work well if they're not the right one for you.

Video Conferencing and 360 Conference Camera

Today’s virtual conference technology makes it easy to have online meetings with multiple people in different locations such as 360 conference camera - Coolpo AI Huddle Pana.

Unfortunately, some common pitfalls make it difficult to do a virtual conference with multiple people in different locations. Cameras on endpoint devices are the primary problem with 360 virtual conferences. Some 360 conference cameras have multiple cameras, while a few have fish-eye cameras. 

Virtual conferences are made so much better if remote participants feel more involved in the conversation. You might think that having cameras on both ends of a conference is obvious, but it’s not so obvious when you take into account the types of devices that users usually have for virtual conferences. 

Interested to know more about Coolpo AI Huddle Pana? Click this

6 Reasons Why 360 Conference Cameras Don’t Work Well Sometimes

We listed these reasons and explain why SOME 360 conference cameras don’t work well for certain scenarios.

Video Conferencing From Co-working Spaces Doesn’t Work Well

When you use a video conferencing service to host virtual conferences, you’re at the mercy of their technology. Even if you use the best services, you still might not get the results you need. 

Co-working spaces with webcams usually only host one-on-one video conferences with one camera. This one-on-one setup is perfect for one-on-one video calls, but it makes it difficult to host a virtual conference with multiple people. 

When you try to host a virtual conference with multiple people, you need multiple cameras, or at least one with a very wide angle. Most co-working spaces don’t have the equipment necessary to host a virtual conference. 

Find out how our 360 conference camera can improve your co-working space.

Group Calls Are Too Difficult to Coordinate

When you hold a virtual conference, you often need to create the conference on the fly. You don’t know exactly who will be available to attend the meeting until you ask them. 

If you don’t have a way to quickly create the conference and invite participants, you might be able to get together multiple people, but you might not be able to get them in the same conference. 

Group calls can quickly devolve into chaos, and it’s difficult to get everyone on a virtual conference line. Even if you’re able to get several people on the same line, they might not be able to hear each other if they aren’t in the same conference.

Virtual Conferencing Rooms Have Bad Audio Quality

Some virtual meeting spaces, like those provided by GoToMeeting, allow you to host conferences with multiple people in different locations. 

These virtual meeting spaces work well if you need to host one-on-one conferences. They don’t work as well if you need to host a virtual conference with multiple people in different locations. 

These virtual meeting spaces usually only have one camera and one microphone. This setup might work well for one-on-one virtual conferences, but it doesn’t work as well for virtual conferences with multiple people in different locations.

360-degree Cameras Don’t Rotate Properly

Traditional conferencing cameras are mounted on a single pivot point. They turn on a single axis and allow you to aim the camera at different people in the room. 360-degree cameras don’t work like this. 

360 conference cameras are mounted on two pivot points, but they only rotate on one of those axes. This means that they usually don’t rotate properly to show different participants in the room.

Moreover, moving parts on 360 conference cameras are more susceptible breakage. An all-in-one video conference camera like this one might be more durable in the long-run.

Some Devices Aren't Equipped With The Right Software

Some virtual conference devices have cameras that are meant to show the host of the conference. These cameras are often used for moderation purposes, but they’re not meant to show other conference attendees. You might be able to see yourself, but you won’t be able to see other conference attendees. Devices that don’t have the right software aren’t equipped for virtual conferences with multiple people in different locations.

Read our article 8 Tips for Using a 360 Conference Camera for Zoom here

Speaker Identification Doesn’t Work Well

Speaker identification is a common feature in virtual conference software. This feature analyzes the audio coming from the microphones on your device and tries to identify who is speaking.

Unfortunately, speaker identification doesn’t work well. Compared to a gesture-recognition feature, speaker tracking might be on the volatile side. It often mistakenly identifies the wrong people and can’t be trusted to identify all of your participants. Even if it can reliably identify all of your participants, it won’t be able to identify people who aren’t on your device. 

Make sure your 360 conference camera can locate people through both visuals and sound!

Coolpo All-In-One and Easy-to-Set Up Video Conferencing Camera - the Pana: A Solution to Your Video Conferencing Problem

The Coolpo AI Huddle Pana - a 360 conference camera and a flagship product of Coolpo is an all-in-one video conferencing equipment that is easy to set up and secure to use during your remote meetings.

This video conferencing camera is a solution to the problems or limitations mentioned above. Here are the reasons to prove it: 

  • 3-15 meeting participants - The Pana caters to 3-15 meeting participants. This means that if you want to have a video conference with a large group, you can use this. Also, it offers individual frames for meeting participants. You can see all your team members’ faces as well as their gestures.
  • All-surround speaker and 4 microphones with up to 15ft pick up - Worrying about a bad-quality audio? Worry no more with our Pana. The Pana has an all-surround speaker that gives you crystal-clear audio during your remote meetings. It also has 4 microphones with up to 15ft pick up. You can still be heard by your team members and other meeting participants even if you’re 15 ft away with the device.
  • Dual Positioning Technology (Visual and Audio) - One of the problems stated above is speaker identification. The Pana never goes wrong to identify active meeting participants because of its dual positioning technology. When the active meeting participants want to be recognized and followed by the device while speaking and moving around within the conference room, they should just raise their right hand close to their face, then the AI will be activated and will follow the active speaker.
Avail our Best Video Conferencing Camera with 20% off this Thanksgiving here

Bottom line: Summing up

Speaker identification doesn’t work well, and some virtual conference devices don’t have speakers. It’s often impossible to hold a virtual conference with multiple people in different locations without being able to see everyone. If you can’t see your conference attendees, you won’t be able to hold an effective virtual conference. If you need to hold a virtual conference with multiple people in different locations, you’ll want to double-check that you have the right equipment. You’ll need devices that have multiple cameras and microphones to show everyone in the room and the right software to host the conference.

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