Latest on Zoom, MS Teams, and Webex, and Google: Collaboration SaaS Updates


1,Zoom Launches Zoom Phone Local Survivability (ZPLS) Module

Zoom launches the Zoom Phone Local Survivability (ZPLS) Module, a solution for big companies to access and use core Zoom phone features in times of outages.

September 27, 2022 ---- Positioned on the top of the Zoom Node framework, the Zoom Phone Local Survivability (ZPLS) module continuously provides seamless operation of core Zoom phone features supposing interruption of electrical service.

When this module is enabled, users can either make or receive calls internally and externally even during emergencies. As it is designed for large companies, ZPLS makes credit card transactions, company communications, and on-site security operate regularly.

In the case of connectivity restoration, the smooth failover and fallback process enables devices and users to be reregistered back to the cloud.


2,ZOOM Releases Own Calendar and Email Services by the End of the Year

Zoom will be releasing ��Zmail�� and ��Zcal��, its own digital calendar and email services, respectively, by the end of the year which allows its users to host and book remote meetings easier and better.

September 20, 2022 ---- With its goal to level up its product offerings, increase sales, and expand its target market, Zoom, a video conferencing platform, will launch its own digital calendar and email services called ��Zmail�� and ��Zcal��, respectively, by the end of the year.

Having high hopes that through launching their own calendar and email services after two years of developing it along with other new features, Zoom expects their users to find hosting and booking remote meetings within their platform effortless, better, and more convenient than other competing video conferencing apps.

According to Kevin Mclaughlin, Journalist for The Information. Despite Zoom being successful in offering remote meeting services, the fact that millions of potential clients and users use Microsoft and Google��s calendar and email services for hosting and booking virtual meetings can be one of Zoom��s weaknesses.
As Zoom is taking part in leveraging their services and initiating actions to market competition, the more they prove to their users and potential leads that they are the king in offering comprehensive and inclusive workplace solutions.

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3,Zoom Challenges Competitors: Zoom Team Chat Advances Chat and Channels

Zoom will launch Zoom Team Chat which will offer new and additional features such as Share In-Meeting, Schedule Zoom Meetings, Reminders, etc. later this month.

September 21, 2022 ---- ��More than just a video provider�� is where the Zoom Team Chat, the new name of the Zoom Chat, is coming from. Together with its new and additional features, Zoom Team Chat is projected to be launched later this month.

The new features of Zoom Team Chat are set to bring out Zoom��s extensive potential and high competence in the market. These new features have real value in terms of keeping and making the team connected and engaged through chats and channels throughout online meetings: Share In-Meeting Chats, Schedule Zoom Meetings from chats and channels, Reminders that will notify users, Respond to Meetings through Chat, Anywhere Chat which allows participants to communicate and collaborate outside of the meeting, and etc.

Wanting to be on the top, Zoom constantly develops and upgrades its services over the years to prove that it too can keep pace with and challenge its competitors in the market - Slack and Microsoft Team. Zoom wants to be relevant and viewed as a platform that offers a wide range of online collaboration assistance and solutions amidst hybrid or online work setups and classes.

What started as a video meeting app quickly moved into broadcast webinars, connected conference rooms, and more, and it continues to evolve and expand�� Janine Pelosi, Chief Marketing Office at Zoom, uttered.

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Microsoft Teams

1,Microsoft Teams Embraces Inclusivity Through Language Interpretation Feature

Microsoft Teams adds a language interpretation feature which allows professional interpreters to translate messages to various languages during online meetings without any delays. Users can select languages they comprehend.

September 27, 2022 ---- Embracing inclusive team meetings and extensive online collaboration experiences, Microsoft Teams launches its new feature �C language interpretation feature �C available for all its users.

With its goal to have smooth communication in terms of delivery regardless of language used by meeting participants, this language interpretation feature allows professional interpreters to translate messages from multiple languages into another language understandable to all meeting participants.

During the meeting, users can select any language they comprehend as there are already interpreters chosen by the meeting organizers. Interpreters are louder than the original speaker and Microsoft Teams assures users that there is no delay during the interpretation process that allows them to completely enjoy virtual meetings and collaboration.


2,Microsoft Teams Resolves Hybrid Workplace Issues Through Vantage DX Platform

Microsoft Teams use the Vantage DX Platform that enables IT support teams to have visible insights and resolve several problems in taking calls among remote workers swiftly.

September 22, 2022 --- Microsoft Teams reaches out to Martello Technologies, a team who empowers IT experts in determining problems to improve the performance and user experience of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams through its Vantage DX platform.

Since the shift of work set up where 67 % of the employees prefer to have a hybrid workplace according to the Work Trend Index report last year, remote employees face several problems in taking calls across the globe and away from their IT support team has been one of Microsoft Teams�� major problems since then that creates considerable aspects of failure.

As remote employees lack knowledge on what and how to fix problems, through the Vantage DX platform that offers visibility of documents and records of all connecting calls, Teams performance, and occurring voice call problems, enables IT support team to know and perform specific resolutions swiftly even afar.

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Webex and Instant Connect Strengthen Workforces�� Communication

Webex and Instant Connect team up for a Push-to-talk application that connects frontline workers to their teammates on-site or remotely.

September 27, 2022 --- To strengthen contact among workforces and reinforce daily operations of frontline workers, especially in manufacturing, mining, energy, sports, events, utilities, etc., Webex and Instant Connect team up for Push-to-talk application.

This application allows its users to connect to on-site or remote frontline workers. It works when users create a group talk channel within Microsoft Teams and connect to various subscribers. With this, it enables them to exchange and use information such as voice, data, alerts, and IoT workflows in any of their devices and networks.


Google Workspace

Google Makes Workspace for Android Users Greater in Remote Setup

Google made updates for Android users such as games, nearby sharing, bigger and easy-to-access Google Keep and Google Drive widgets and Gboard emojis.

September 22, 2022 ---- Google has been so generous to Android users as they improved its Workspace for greater and better workflow through its thoughtful offerings such as games, live stream meetings directed to YouTube, file, and photo sharing to nearby friends, bigger Google Keep widget, Gboard emojis, and whatnot.

To make users enjoy, entertained, and connected as well while being in remote meetings, Google made several new and updated features to its Workspace for Android phones and Tablet users.

First on the list is the Uno! Mobile, Heads Up, Kahoot, and many others. 100 plus users can play these games or even co-watch videos on YouTube together. Another thing is that they can now broadcast their meetings straight to YouTube, however, it��s only available in selected plans and packages. Multi-pinning is also part of the upgrade in which users can choose who they want to be pinned on the screen.

Moreover, the Nearby Share feature allows users to share files, photos, or even videos easily and safely with someone near to them. The new Google Drive widget permits someone to get hold of their files such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides under three home screen buttons with just one tap.
In taking down notes, listing to-dos, and making reminders, Google Keep��s widget and font size were also updated to bigger sizes. Also, the Gboard app lets users ��emojify�� their emails or texts through its ��Emojify�� button.

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