Video Conferencing Camera Offers Equal Meeting Opportunity

…and Myths About Gender Inequality You Need To Stop Believing; 

In a remote work or WFH setup, equality can be achieved using a 360 video conference camera in your small- to medium-sized video conference room.

Gender inequality is a hot topic of discussion these days. You might think that we have come a long way since the days of sexism and discrimination against women, but the truth is that we still have a long way to go.

There are many myths about gender inequality that persists in our society. These myths serve to perpetuate the inequality that marginalized humans face daily. In this article, we will dispel some of these myths so that we can move closer to achieving true gender equality.

Read our article about  Women in Tech: Celebrating Women's Month at Coolpo here.

Some of the most common myths about gender inequality include:

 1.)    Myth: Gender equality is a relatively new concept, and we still have a lot of work to do.

Fact: Women have been fighting for gender equality for centuries—it's just that they haven't always been called feminists.

2.)    Myth: Feminism is about "hating men."

Fact: It's not about hating men at all, but it is about fighting for equal rights between men and women. Feminism is about giving women the same opportunities as men. 

3.)    Myth: Men are expected to be strong and in charge, so if we don't want to be treated like equals, we should just go back home.

Fact: Even though masculinity has traditionally been defined as strength, it's more than that now—and there are many different ways you can be masculine without being considered weak or unemotional.

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4.)    Myth: Women are paid less than men.

 Fact: The wage gap is closing.In the United States, women make up 51% of the population and 49% of professional workers, but they still earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men make. Even though women outnumber men at all levels of education, they are more likely than men to work in low-paying jobs and have lower salaries. In addition to this wage gap, women experience discrimination in the workplace. This can be seen in their lack of access to high-level positions and leadership roles as well as the pay disparity between similar jobs.

Check out our previous post on how to build diversity and inclusion in the workplace

5.) Myth: Women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

Fact: According to a recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics, girls' enrollment in high school computer science classes increased from 22% in 1998-1999 to 31% in 2012-2013—a 12% increase over 10 years! Additionally, girls accounted for almost half (48%) of all bachelor's degrees earned by women between 2004 and 2014—an increase from 35% over a similar period.

6.)    Myth: Women are paid less than men for equal work.

Fact: The gender pay gap is a myth. Men and women are paid the same amount for doing the same job, but they receive different salaries because of factors such as experience, occupation, and industry. In 2018, women earned an average of 82 cents on every dollar that men earned.

All of these myths are false. Women are just as capable as men, and there are many successful women in leadership roles across all industries. Women are just as ambitious as men, and they are just as capable of excelling in math and science.

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Why is gender inequality still an issue?

Despite all the progress we've made in recent years, gender inequality is still a very real issue in our world today. According to the World Economic Forum, the gender gap will not close entirely until 2186. That's over 170 years from now.

So why is this still an issue? There are several factors that contribute to gender inequality, including discrimination, the pay gap, and the fact that women are still underrepresented in leadership positions. This is an issue that needs to be addressed on a global scale. We need to continue to fight for equality and make sure that everyone has the same opportunities, regardless of gender.

The reality of gender inequality

Both in the United States and globally, women continue to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs and underrepresented in high-quality, high-paying jobs. High levels of poverty, unemployment, and other economic problems are particularly prevalent among women of color and transgender people. 

How can we address gender inequality?

  • All employees should receive appropriate education regarding gender and sexuality.
  • Implement equitable and fair compensation and recognition for all employees, regardless of their gender, caste, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.
  • Women in leadership positions should be highlighted, as well as their achievements at entry-level positions.
  • Give pregnant women pregnancy benefits, childcare support, and childcare facilities.


There are a lot of campaigns that tackle gender inequality. Some companies also promote women empowerment such as Coolpo. The myth that women only want to be moms is an obvious one. But the idea that men don't want to be caregivers, or that men are naturally violent and abusive, is also pervasive. These days, gender is more fluid and more inclusive. Equality should start in our daily lives including our meetings.

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