Case Study: Swallow Hill Music Association's Experience with Coolpo AI Huddle Pana

Company: Swallow Hill Music Association  


Number of Employees: 100

Pre-Coolpo Conference Room Setup

Swallow Hill Music Association, with its rich history and multiple venues, often faced challenges in its conference rooms and historic theaters during virtual meetings. The typical setup included laptops paired with large TV screens for Zoom and Google meetings. However, angling the laptop camera to capture the entire staff during board and admin meetings was a persistent issue. The introduction of the Coolpo AI Huddle Pana significantly improved the connection between virtual meeting attendees and those physically present.

Decision to Choose Coolpo Pana

After extensive research into various 360-degree audio/visual devices, including Owl, Kandao, and Logitech, the organization opted for the Coolpo Pana. The decision was influenced by the device's superior features, ease of use, and competitive price point, which were well-suited to Swallow Hill Music Association's needs. Additionally, the excellent customer service provided by Coolpo representatives during the initial research phase played a crucial role in their choice.


“Once connected, the Coolpo Pana delivers quality 360 audio and visual for our non-profit organization’s virtual meetings. The company also offers quality customer service.”

- Meaghan Lillis, Office Manager

Observed Results and Improvements

Swallow Hill Music Association initially faced a minor challenge integrating the Coolpo Pana with their existing setup. However, with prompt and effective support from Coolpo’s customer service team, they quickly resolved the issue. Once the setup was complete, the Coolpo Pana delivered outstanding performance. It has proven to be a valuable tool, ensuring that virtual attendees can see and hear the entire staff clearly and accurately during meetings, greatly enhancing the overall meeting experience.


Despite the initial technical hiccups, the Coolpo Pana has become a staple in Swallow Hill Music Association’s virtual meeting setup.

“We would recommend the Pana to other businesses facing similar challenges. The device’s ability to provide clear and accurate audio-visual coverage for all meeting participants makes it a valuable addition to any virtual meeting toolkit.”


The Coolpo AI Huddle Pana has transformed how Swallow Hill Music Association conducts its virtual meetings, enhancing the connection and interaction between remote and in-person attendees. As they continue to use the Pana for future meetings, the organization anticipates ongoing improvements in their virtual meeting experiences.