· 5 min read

Beat Office-Centric Work with Hybrid Meetings: Future's Key

video conference camera for hybrid meetings

The rise of hybrid meetings is challenging the concept of a fully office-centric environment in an ever-changing world of work. Flexible arrangements, hybrid work, and hybrid meeting offerings are gaining popularity. It is becoming increasingly clear that hybrid work offers many advantages over its fully office-centric counterpart.

Similarly, many leaders from different organizations have supported hybrid work. The Gorilla Glue Company, UC Davis, and Far Niente Wine Estates have shared some ideas about why hybrid work remains on top and how organizations can leverage it to achieve success.

This article will explore why hybrid work emerges as the superior choice for the future of work.

Hybrid Work Benefits from Different Perspectives

Hybrid Work has remained the top choice for how organizations run their companies. Different organizational leaders have given their thoughts on why they continue leveraging this work landscape.


1. Hybrid Work flexibility attracts Top Talent

Beth Gigilio, the CHRO of Gorilla Glue, shared her perspective on how hybrid work has benefited their company. Hybrid work is a positive force that helps them achieve business outcomes when attracting, engaging, and retaining talented employees. Since hybrid work offers flexible arrangements, they can give their office autonomy while recognizing the importance of in-person connections. With this, they can still celebrate some important milestones as a team while meeting the personal needs and flexibility their employees want. Providing hybrid options (including hybrid meetings) and flexible work schedules allows them to attract top talent.

2. Hybrid Work Promotes Sustainability and Savings

UC Davis CHRO Tammy Kenber shared that sustainability and saving are the best benefits they've got to enjoy in hybrid work. Both employees and organizations can appreciate this benefit. They highlight that at UC Davis, the organization is more focused on how the work is done  than where it is done. With this, everyone got to enjoy the following: flexibility for employees, cost savings from leased spaces, reduced parking issues, hybrid meetings, and sustainability for fewer cars on the road. By implementing hybrid work, the university aims to provide flexibility and choices to its employees whenever possible, enabling them to perform at their best and maintain high levels of engagement. Adopting hybrid and remote work is a key component of UC Davis' overall strategy as a renowned institution, as it helps recruit and retain the most skilled and talented workforce.

3. Hybrid Work Offers Work-Life Balance and Cost Savings

Julie Secviar, the VP of HR at Far Niente Wine Estate, believes that the success of the hybrid role depends on the employee role. But almost all got to enjoy the work-life balance it offers, as it allows employees to tend to their personal and professional needs.

Moreover, Secviar has also agreed that hybrid work saves organizations money by shifting to a smaller office and using less production. This reduction in office space gives them more room for guests at their working winery, where every bit of space is valuable. For those who value outcome more than space, hybrid work is a perfect model for employees and the business. However, she emphasizes that constant communication and connectivity are crucial to overcoming challenges that arise from the lack of proximity in a hybrid meeting and work setup.

Challenges of Hybrid Work

While the three leaders mentioned above have shared the benefits that each of their companies has to enjoy, they are still not exempt from any hybrid work challenges.

For Gorilla Glue, balancing face-to-face collaboration and remote work is the first challenge. They must determine the right design and policies when running hybrid work. With this, they give specific mandates for in-office days but give others discretion.

Far Niente, conversely, creates specific codes of conduct and performance indicators for productivity and connectivity. Gorilla Glue also agreed with this. Since it is difficult to quantify work while working remotely, a metric system should be made for employees to know what is expected of them. With this, creativity, communication, and inclusion are the keys, hence the importance of the codes and indicators. 

Lastly, ensuring work equity during remote work can also be a challenge. An effective work model should work at all times in all roles. With this, it is essential to offer flexibility and feasibility, depending on the nature of the work.

The three organizations agree that these challenges will be avoided and that organizations will succeed if they use the right policies. This will allow hybrid meetings to succeed and surpass the original plan's expectations.

The Role of HR in a Hybrid Future

These organizations have agreed that Hybrid Work beats office-centric organizations and is the future of the work landscape. This is why HR plays an important role in achieving these successes. Below are the strategies they used to achieve such a feat.

  • Leaders should regularly discuss with their employees how data information can be used to gain insights for hiring, retention, and engagement.
  • Use expert feedback for any strategic decision the organization has to make.
  • Give importance to creating a healthy organizational culture with inclusion, touchpoints, and surveys to communicate and engage with employees.

Hybrid work recognizes the value of humanity while allowing digital communication across space. As it becomes the future of work, organizations must transform and empower their people in all ways.

Empower Hybrid Meetings with Coolpo AI Huddle Series

All organizations have agreed that communications are an important key to hybrid work's success in the future. Hybrid meetings allow HR to implement their chosen policies and strategies to support and empower their employees. This can only be done successfully if seamless communication is free from interruption.

This is where Coolpo AI Huddle Series comes in. With Coolpo's AI Huddle Pana and Mini Lite, HR can create activities promoting the best work culture. Whether the activities will be one-on-one, group, or even in a conference is fine. This AI huddle Series can serve your best interests during hybrid work.

Here are the features of each device that will help you with your hybrid meetings:

Coolpo AI Huddle Pana


Coolpo AI Huddle Mini Lite 



In conclusion, hybrid work and hybrid meetings are emerging as the future of work, beating the concept of fully office-centric work. Organizations like Gorilla Glue, UC Davis, and Far Niente Wine Estates have recognized the numerous benefits of hybrid work, such as attracting top talent, promoting sustainability, providing work-life balance, and offering cost savings.

While there are challenges to overcome, these challenges can be addressed by implementing effective policies and strategies. This is why HR plays a crucial role in achieving the success of hybrid work. This can be possible by using effective strategies such as data insights, seeking expert feedback, and fostering a healthy organizational culture.

Moreover, seamless communication is vital for hybrid work. Coolpo's AI Huddle Series offers devices like the AI Huddle Pana and Mini Lite that facilitate smooth, interruption-free hybrid meetings. By leveraging these technologies, HR can support the organization's goals, promote a positive work culture, and empower their employees, leading them to a brighter hybrid work future.