The Power AI Conference Cameras and Regenerative Agriculture

Have you heard how AI conference cameras are helping farmers and agriculturists in the US? Regenerative agriculture is a term that’s been around for a while, but it’s only become more popular in the past few years. The word refers to the idea of planting crops that produce new food plants instead of growing old-fashioned agriculture on the same soil. Instead of using chemicals, machinery, and pesticides to grow food, farmers are now growing their crops sustainably and regenerating them into new food plants so they can be used again when growth slows down.

See how AI conference cameras help save on fossil fuel consumption and contribute to cleaner air

This means less land, less water, and fewer fossil fuels for production — all good reasons for exploring this approach more widely. However, regenerative agriculture isn’t as widely-known as it should be.

In this blog post, discover what regenerative agriculture is and how AI conference cameras help spread the word about it.

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture, also called “re-planting,” is a type of agriculture that grows food plants that are made of runners and capitols instead of seeds. It is often done in combination with other methods of re-planting such as hybrid output. The idea is to grow crops that produce new food plants instead of the old-fashioned crops that need to be replanted every time a new generation of vegetable and fruit trees or shrubs is planted. The word “re-” in this context means “new” or “new-fashioned.” The word agriculture is a contraction of the words “re-” and “Agron” which mean “re-constructed,” “re-grown,” or “re-planted.”

What Does It Mean?

This is the most important definition of regeneration that you can ever hope to come across. You might not have realized it before because agriculture has been around for so long, but you’re actually in for a rude shock when it comes to food production. There are two main types of agriculture in the United States: agriculture and forestry. The former is the primary source of food for the average person, while the latter is what’s used for fiber and fiber products like paper and plastic bags. Without re-plants, these industries would have to rely on increasingly scarce resources.

Why Is Regenerative Agriculture Important?

Because of its techniques and description, one might assume that regenerative agriculture is a new concept. After all, we’ve been growing food for millennia. The problem is that this is not the case. We’ve been growing food for millennia without the aid of machines, chemicals, and fertilizers. The only thing that has changed since then is that these products have been replaced by chemicals, machinery, and fertilizers.

How to Grow Food with Regenerative Agriculture

Here are the steps to growing food with regenerative agriculture: 

  1. Plant your primary food crops: The most common kind of agriculture that uses regenerative techniques is small-scale, conventional agriculture. 
  2. Plant your sustainably raised secondary food crops: The other kind of agriculture that uses regenerative techniques is those that produce fiber like yarn, fabric, and textiles.
  3. Rethink your root-zone processes to grow more fiber: Traditionally, fiber production has been done at the root zone and the leaves are removed at the end of the season to be burned as fiber. But with this approach, the fiber is produced at the end of every season and reborn as new leaves.

The Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture

Here are the main benefits of regenerative agriculture: 

  • Increased productivity: Because the plants are growing in their natural environment, they produce more food than if they were growing on the same patch of soil. 
  • Improved soil fertility: The excess nutrients in the soil that would otherwise not be there are removed from the system and replaced with fresh, beneficial nutrients. 
  • Reduced soil erosion: Soil erosion is a serious issue in many parts of the world where traditional agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. The lessened stress on the soil, as well as the nutrients it holds, means less time and effort are spent damaging the soil. 
  • Reduced fossil fuel use: Canopy agriculture isn’t a sustainable way to grow commercial crops. For example, grow-op and CIBA canopy techniques use a combination of fertilizers, water, and roots to build up the nutrients needed for a healthy canopy. 

How AI Conference Cameras are Helping Agriculture

The agriculture industry, like many others, is adopting online video conferencing moving forward from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even after the pandemic has run its course, the need for AI conference cameras cannot be denied. Agriculturists need not drive thousands of miles to Washington D.C. to lobby for their cause. 

Large video meetings where everyone is put on mute are frustrating. When there’s no way to react or discuss, video conferences are less effective. (Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) President Jamie Beyer)

All they need to do is purchase an AI conference camera that ensures perfect presentations, every time. Full-duplex all-in-one conference allows multiple persons to discuss at the same time!

Coolpo cameras, for example, can help you present regenerative agriculture like this:

  • Our 360 conference camera, AI Huddle Pana, can show your entire collection of plants, for example, or a board room full of lobbyists. Additionally, it features active meeting participants through sounds and visuals (called “Dual Positioning Technology”).
  • The AI Huddle Mini has gesture recognition for individual presentations derived from a group of onsite meeting participants. Moreover, it has additional AI features that allow up to 7 meeting participants shown in individual panels plus a wide-angle view of the room.
See the AI Huddle Mini in action here!


Now that you know the ins and outs of growing food with regenerative agriculture, it’s time to start thinking about how you could begin practicing this approach in your backyard or sharing it with your colleagues to spread the word. With the increasing reliance on oil and gas resources and the growing demand for alternative fuels, it’s important to be aware of how many fossil fuels are needed to produce certain goods and services. 

Canopy agriculture, which uses a combination of trees and canopies, is one of the most consistent and effective ways to produce fiber and food without the use of fossil fuels. The ability to grow fiber without chemicals, machinery, or fertilizers is another important reason to consider growing canopy agriculture. And in the world of fiber and food, the ability to produce fiber without fossil fuels is also important because it will reduce the number of resources needed to produce fiber. Share this with anyone who matters by using AI conference cameras from Coolpo.

Book a demo with us to find out how we can help your agriculture business.