· 6 min read

Hybrid Work Coffee Badging: Conference Room Camera-Solution

Office peacocking is the previous hybrid trend employers used to entice employees to the office. However, it was ineffective, as the use of conference room cameras for remote work is still widespread, supporting the employee's refusal of the BTO mandate. 

A new workplace trend is transforming how we interact and collaborate with colleagues. Enter 'Coffee Badging,' a creative and innovative solution employees created to fight against the forceful back-to-office scenario. 

In this article, we'll explore  Coffee Badging, understand what it is, how it works, and why it's gaining traction, and evaluate its effectiveness.

The Concept of 'Coffee Badging'

Coffee badging is a concept introduced recently. The term signifies briefly visiting the workplace for a short duration before leaving. Recent data suggests that this practice has become increasingly popular among hybrid employees, with 58% adopting it and an additional 8% expressing interest in trying it out. 

Notably, 2023 has seen a significant return of employees to the office, as 66% of respondents in a recent survey indicated their full-time return to in-office work, even though only 22% genuinely prefer this setup. In parallel, business trips are on the rise, with 54% of workers mentioning a resurgence in business travel, marking a return to pre-pandemic norms.

Why Coffee Badging Emerge?

The concept of coffee badging in workplaces has become a visible manifestation of employees' resistance to their employers' push for a return to the office. The strong insistence on in-office work, according to many UK workers (52%) and their American counterparts (69%), is largely a result of traditional workplace norms, and this new trend appears to support that belief.

Employees are increasingly reluctant to allocate their time and resources to frequent office visits, as they no longer see the value in spending their time and money on trips to the office when the tasks they perform are essentially the same as those they could complete from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, many feel that specific tasks are less productive in an office environment.

Office Peacocking vs. Coffee Badging: Who is the Winner? 

The latter has emerged as the clear winner in the ongoing debate between office peacocking and coffee badging. Coffee badging, characterized by employees making brief appearances at the office before departing, has gained prominence due to a significant preference for remote work. 

People choose the convenience of working from home because it better satisfies their productivity and work-life balance needs in a world where flexibility and remote connectivity are increasingly prevalent. This shift in work dynamics indicates that the era of office peacocking, emphasizing a physical presence in the workplace for the show, is giving way to a more flexible and remote-friendly approach better suited to today's workforce's evolving needs and preferences.

How Can Employers Fight Against Coffee Badging? 

Employers should note the key factors that motivate workers to stay in the office. While office aesthetics and comfort improvements are valuable, the following are the driving forces that encourage employees to go back to the office: 

  • Provision of commuting expense coverage (38%)
  • Enhanced privacy options in the office, including dedicated workspaces and additional phone boot (34%)
  • A system that allows them to track when specific colleagues or desired individuals will be present in the office (33%)
  • Dress code Abolishment (24%)

These factors suggest that practical incentives, improved working conditions, and flexibility in office policies can effectively motivate employees to choose in-office work.

Conference Room Camera: A Better Alternative in Solving Coffee Badging 

The Conference Room Camera, particularly exemplified by the Coolpo AI Huddle Pana and Coolpo AI Huddle Mini Lite, emerges as a superior alternative in addressing the challenge of coffee badging. As more and more employers and employees lean towards the advantages of remote working, investing in advanced conference room cameras like these can be a valuable solution. 

These devices' impressive specs, including high-quality video and audio capabilities, wide-angle lenses, noise cancellation, and advanced tracking and framing features, make them ideal for facilitating seamless virtual meetings and collaboration, thus reducing the need for frequent in-office appearances. 

While coffee badging reflects employees' reluctance to fully return to the office, addressing these concerns with state-of-the-art technology offers a more pragmatic and future-proof approach. It underscores that the ongoing push for employees to return to the office may not be the most effective strategy. Instead, a more flexible, technology-driven approach can better meet the needs and preferences of the modern workforce.


In conclusion, the emergence of “coffee badging” as a response to the back-to-office push highlights a profound shift in how employees approach work. Employers can use conference room cameras to combat the prevalence of coffee badging and motivate employees to return to the office. 

Using more forward-looking conference room cameras can reduce the need for frequent in-office appearances and better accommodate the desire for remote work.  In a world where flexibility and remote connectivity are increasingly valued, it's evident that there may be more effective strategies than the push for a total return to the office. Instead, embracing innovative technology and a more adaptable approach can help employers meet the changing expectations and demands of the modern workforce.

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