· 5 min read

Webcam for office meeting: The truth behind Video Conference

video conference meeting room camera

Knowing the importance of a webcam for office meetings is the secret to a successful video conference. In this digital age, the use of video conferencing has become essential to any industry. It has become a bridge of humanity for communication and collaboration when the pandemic has separated each of us socially. But as humans, being proactive has given us the ability to find ways to defy this separation with the help of video conferencing. 

And now, as globalization and industrialization have seemingly increased due to opportunities, video conferencing, which was once used for communication, has been integrated by people in the working industry, thus increasing the existence of remote work. We can work anytime and anywhere in the world. 

But with all the increasing information, which of the following is true about video conferences?  In this article, you will learn the facts about video conferencing and discuss the truths behind it

What is video conferencing?

To explain, video conferencing is a technology activity that allows people to talk and communicate with one another through the internet. Activities such as meetings, conferences, webinars, interviews, online classes, or even casual talk may be considered video conferencing as they fit the definition. 

And of course, being done online, it needs the following devices: microphone, laptop, speakers, and webcam. Without the internet and these devices, video conferencing will be impossible. 

What are the Benefits of Video Conferencing 

Many have embraced the beauty of video conferencing because of the numerous benefits we can get from it. Benefits such as 

Saving time and money.  

With video conferencing, travel, food, lodging, and time expenses will be reduced. Participants joining the said virtual conference can do so from the comfort of their location. 

Remote Collaboration. 

Remote collaboration allows quick and easy collaboration with different people from different departments and different locations, assuming that the company has multiple branches around the area or the world. 

Increase productivity and efficiency.  

With video conferencing, it allows participants to work on projects easily, present multiple ideas, and collaborate in real time. This can pave the way for the generation of multiple ideas, which can lead to less time spent on decision-making.  

Work-Life Balance Improvement 

This is the greatest benefit of video conferencing. Since people can attend their video conferences anytime, anywhere, they can spend it by attending, staying at home with their family and friends, or going on vacation. A flexible schedule that truly balances the quality of life and work. 

Increased Training and Development 

Since activities can be done virtually, increased training and development can be done, allowing different participants to join without spending a lot of money. This can help to ensure that all employees in different areas receive the same quality and level of training for their professional development. 

Ways to avoid setbacks during video conferencing 

On the other side, video conferencing also has some disadvantages. It’s not all about sunshine and rainbows. These are the following setbacks that one might encounter and ways how you can circumvent them

Technical Difficulties 

It is the number one drawback of video conferencing that might take a lot of time to fix. It might be due to software glitches, software incompatibilities, or hardware issues. This can cause major delays and interruptions during meetings. 

Fix it by making sure that all equipment and connections are stable before starting the video conference. What would be better is to have a webcam for office meetings that works on plug-and-play technology.

Lack of Internet connection 

An internet connection is a privilege that not all can experience. It is the main driver for a video conference to be successful. It is already difficult to build rapport virtually, and if you have a poor internet connection, the rapport that you have been building with effort can be immediately destroyed. 

Fix it by subscribing to a reliable internet service provider. Run a network test and determine what your video conference platform requires. if you feel like you’re not sure how strong the connection is. 

Lack of Work Area

Since video conferencing is done virtually, having a work area that is quiet and free from any distractions is necessary as part of your job. Distractions can hinder you from performing your task and can lessen your work efficiency. This will not only affect you but also your co-workers. 

It is recommended to have a space free from background noise, and other interruptions. Choose a suitable area and lighting, dress properly, and use appropriate body language and facial expressions.

Check out this webcam for office and remote meetings that could provide you with a meeting space no matter where you are or how many people are joining in on the meeting.

Lack of non-verbal communication 

Even if video conferencing gives participants the opportunity for virtual face-to-face interaction, it is still not enough and cannot be compared to an in-person meeting. This is because body language, physical expression, and physical presence are not entirely captured, which may lead to some communication issues. 

Fix it by using AI-integrated webcams for office and remote meetings. These devices can identify onsite participants’ faces to help remote attendees see facial expressions and body movements.


“Zoom Fatigue” or “Video Conference Fatigue” can be another enemy during video conferencing. This is a struggle to be awake and active, especially if meetings are long, which may result in mental exhaustion and burnout. It also pertains to the mental strain on online meeting participants due to the prolonged and excessive use of video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and MS Teams.

Fix it by reading this article by Coolpo.

Best Practices During Video Conferencing 

Having a successful video conference may be challenging, but there are ways to help you achieve this goal. These are some of the video conferencing best practices you can follow: 

  • Choose the appropriate area.
  • Check the internet. 
  • Test and audio and video sets.
  • Dress properly.
  • Be on time. 
  • Use appropriate body language and facial expressions. 
  • Avoid multitasking and listen carefully. 
  • Mute your mic. 
  • Don’t forget to thank everyone after the meeting. 

Now that you know some things about video conferencing, you should learn the important keys to successful video conferencing. It is nothing other than owning a webcam for office meetings. 

And we can recommend the best webcam for office meetings It is none other than the Coolpo Camera.

Coolpo Camera: Best webcam for office meeting 

Coolpo camera consists of 3 versions: AI huddle Pana, Mini, and Mini Lite is the newest webcam for office meetings. It is unique and will solve many ideo conferencing concerns you have.  Its features are modernly designed to keep up with digital era needs. 

Key Features: 

Coolpo AI Huddle Pana

  •  1080p video quality with 360-degree FOV 
  • AI System called the MeetingFlex® Technology
  • 4 smart microphones, 15 ft pick range 
  • 360-degree audio output

Coolpo AI Huddle Mini

Coolpo AI Huddle Mini Lite

In essence, video conferencing has become essential in the working industry as it provides many benefits. Benefits such as productivity, decreased expenses, improvement in work-life balance, efficiency, and productivity. In contrast, challenges may also be experienced such as technical issues, internet problems, non-verbal communication, destructions and disruptions, fatigue, and limited interaction.  

To be successful in your video conference, simply follow the video conferencing best practices. More importantly, to up your video conferencing game, try the newest webcam for conference meetings by Coolpo. With its AI huddle Pana, Mini, and Mini Lite, all of your worries during video conferencing will be solved. 

Book a Demo with Us!